
W07 Blog: Differences in Manners

    Manners can be different in every country. Even is different if your family raise you with different manners. In the classroom is a little bit difficult if we have a students with different backgrounds.   I believe something that could work in a class with students with different cultures and backgrounds could be to create a list of classroom rules,and manners. In that way all the students can have the same rules and manners in the classroom and they can apply it at home as well. It could be fun to ask them what the rules should be, to see their point of view.  Also as teachers we   give students the opportunity to think about something that is important for them and their companions and explain why it is important. I am sure they will understand if at the very beginning the whole class shares their points of view and share their differences.

W07 Blog: Cross-Cultural Students in the Classroom (06/02/ 2022)

  Brother Ivers said, “And so, be aware. Whenever a student is from a different place or ethnic group or something does anything weird, you have to give them the benefit of the doubt. Even though you may be interpreting it negatively, it may not be meant negatively. There’s a principle that you need to understand when you go into teaching in the diverse country in which we live.” Culture can be different but the respect must be the same. Sometimes the cultures are very different. Brother Ivers couldn’t be more accurate. Is important to give the benefit of the doubt in the cultures. As human beings we are competitive and we compare of culture, food and language with others and call our culture the best culture and denigrate the other cultures. We have to learn to respect others cultures and learn the most that we can from them   .

W06 Blog: Attributional Tendencies

  Attributional tendencies refer to what do we attribute success, to what do we attribute our personal failures, to what do we attribute the successes of others, to what do we attribute the failures of others. In our culture, in all cultures, we’re always attributing things to other things, like other causes.” -Professor Jhon Ivers I understand is that internal attributes are when we think ourselves responsible for something, and when we are external attribute is when we think is other’s fault. Our students will have different types of attributes, we need to recognize what they have to help them in their learning because if they always is thinking that is her/his fault their affective filter will be high. As teachers , we need to know our students, be emphatic and tolerant with their point of views and be respectful of what they think, but let them know that we do not think the same way as they and they need to be tolerant and respectful.